Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Camino de Santiago: Backpack Training

Today was my first practice morning hike wearing my fully packed backpack.  I can see from this photo that I wore the hip strap too high, so I made some adjustments and things feel much better.  I don't think that I will ever totally forget that I am wearing a backpack but Fred from REI was a big help in making sure that the one I picked fit me. I had read so much about getting small packs that I was surprised when I ended up getting a 50L one.  I only pack it about halfway and pull all the compression straps tightly so I am still only carrying about 15 pounds. When I add food and water for each day the pack will weigh about 20 pounds.


  1. You are at least prepared fro the journey! I will watch and support you from a distance...best to you, young padawan!

  2. Lookin' good! Well-fitting gear makes all the difference!


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