Sunday, June 26, 2016

Camino de Santiago: You Were With Me

Ironically there were signs along the way today that inspired me to keep going until the end. While I know that you all didn't actually sneak over to Spain to write these it felt like you did and I was very appreciative of all your prayers and support! Here are two examples of the signs I saw: Run, Spencer, Run and the Turtle Team. 

What a rush I felt when I first saw the towers in Santiago. I arrived around 1:00pm after walking since 6:00am. My feet were pounding and my legs felt like stone but I didn't care. I had just finished walking about 350 miles out of the 500 miles of the Camino. I am officially a pilgrim!


  1. YAHOO !! CONGRATULATIONS !! 2 diplomas in qne month WOW!!nOW YOU CAN REST,you deserve it. Let us know when we can come and pester you. You probably hsve a mountain of work waiting for you in the office so we'll try to be patient we are soooo proud of you. love us

  2. Congratulations!! We are very proud of you, but will never do the same! Look forward to seeing you soon. Love Us

  3. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!! God always provides!!!!

  4. YOU ROCK !!!!!!

    Love, Bona

  5. Oh.My.Goodness!!!!!!! So proud of you. So inspired by you.

  6. Just saw your last posts. Congratulations! You can now rest. When do you come home? love, Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob


Since this blog is used to share photos and stories from my adventures with both older and younger friends and family, please keep your comments G-rated. Thank you.