Many of you have told me that you are following this blog but only my sister Susie and my friends Laura and Michelle have ever added comments to any of the posts. This makes me think that you aren't sure how to add a note or ask a question on this blog. I completely understand as it is a little unusual that the way to add a comment, especially if you are the first person to comment on a post, is to click on the words "no comment". The photo above shows where you need to click to post a new comment or ask a question. After someone comments, the word "no" will be replaced with a number to show how many others have commented.
As my full-time RV adventures continue into the 2018 New Year, I would love to know what you found most interesting in the past blog posts, what you would like to know more about and generally what you enjoy reading and seeing on this blog. You, my family and friends, are the reason I write this blog so it will help me to know what you like and want. So, jump down to the bottom of this blog, click on the word "comment" and leave me a little note to help make this a better blog. Thanks, friends.
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Since this blog is used to share photos and stories from my adventures with both older and younger friends and family, please keep your comments G-rated. Thank you.