Here are my year-long resolutions in each of the seven areas of my life.
1. Fitness: do a biblical fast each week, eat healthier on a daily basis (Whole30 and Paleo-inspired), increase flexibility and strength
2. Faith: increase frequency of morning prayers using iBreviary app, write in my gratitude journal, increase the frequency of Mass attendance, increase the use of the Pray-as-You go app in the evening, increase times at confession
3. Field: increase follow-up calls and letters to team members, stay longer in parks with social events to meet people, add one new member to my Young Living team each month, hold one essential oil class (in person or online) or one vendor event each week, increase posts on Facebook business page, "Be Brave"
4. Finances: record business and personal receipts in Taxbot more faithfully, research home business tax laws and submit income tax forms regularly, research health insurance options and pay for a plan
5. Family: call my parents and family members more often, send birthday and holiday cards more faithfully, visit my parents and extended family during RV travels, invite family members to join me in my adventures
6. Friends: regularly connect on social media, visit friends during RV travels, call just to talk and catch up, send birthday cards, update contact information
7. Fun: I need to balance this with other areas since right now I am having too much fun! Sightseeing, hiking, splurge on one nice restaurant a month or great take-out, Disney World annual pass to use each year for a total of 30 days or more, computer games with friends and family, movie nights, YouTube videos, reading, genealogy
Now, one thing I've learned about myself as I've moved into a semi-retired life is that I need some accountability to others or I end up aimlessly wandering through my days. So, my dear friends, family and blog followers, I am going to make myself accountable to you. Along with sharing about my RV travels, campgrounds and sightseeing adventure, I will regularly post updates on my progress. So check back over the next few months to see how I am doing and if you see me slipping into bad habits, you have my permission to kick me in the butt (figuratively) and challenge me to refocus on my goals.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year. May your own resolutions help to make your life even better tomorrow than it is today. If you feel like sharing some of your own goals, click on the word "comment" below and then in the comment box, type up some of those things that you hope to accomplish. That way we can all pray for each other and hold each other accountable.
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