So here's my January accountability update that I promised you. My January Oola goal was FITNESS and I spent the month learning more about healthy eating using Whole30 guidelines and working hard to increase the number of days that I walked each month. My Nike running app shows that I walked 9 times using the app and I walked (without using the app) every day with Susie in Disney World from January 21-26. We also walked about 2 miles on the trails at the Three Rivers State Park near Sneads in the Florida panhandle on January 27th. This makes a total of 15 days. WooHoo! This is halfway to my goal of walking every day and triple what I walked in December.
As you may have guessed, my February Oola life goal is FAMILY. The family is one of the seven areas of our lives that the Oola guys have identified as needing to be in balance with the six other areas in our lives. As the Oola guys say on their website, love is always, unconditional and no matter what. This lesson is also one that my parents modeled for me and my siblings our whole lives. Living with my parents will give me a special opportunity to talk with them about old family photo albums and stories. Since I won't be traveling in the RV, I will have lots of time to update my family tree and clean out years of collected family archives. During February I am also committing myself to stay connected with the members of my family who live all around the USA via social media, phone calls and cards. This will be a very special time for me.

So, what about this blog? Well, I will continue to share things here about my RV life since I have a few months of campsite reviews, RV tips and tricks and other information to share. Then the blog will shift in content to information about Oola goals, essential oils, Whole30 and other things I am learning about while I spend time with my parents.
As you go today back into your everyday life, I challenge you to hug the ones you love, call someone in your family you haven't spoken with in a while and/or send someone a card to tell you how much you love them.
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