Yes folks, don't let people tell you any differently. Detoxing totally stinks. As you eliminate wheat, sugar, and dairy from your diet, your body is going to rebel. Your feet are suddenly going to smell like something died down there; your tongue is going to turn white and your breath (well just don't stand too close to anyone) and, well, you get the idea. What I learned after three days of the Master Cleanse and one week of Whole30(ish) eating is that you MUST drink a lot of water to flush out all of the toxins your body is trying to eliminate or those toxins will come out through your skin and it won't be pretty. Let's just say you won't be making many many friends, which if you are new in a campground is not a good thing.

Ginny's paleo carrot pumpkin muffins, yum |
Now that I have finished my second week of eating a diet with no dairy, grains, sugars or alcohol, I can say that the first week was terrible. My shoulders ached, I had a headache, I was hungry all the time and, as I said earlier, I stank, but the second week has been much better. The food I am eating is delicious and since I am "retired" I have the extra time it takes to prepare really great meals with organic, real food. I have learned to love salads and I am making my own mayonnaise and salad dressings with just olive oil, eggs, lemon, and dry mustard. It is really yummy. And, just so you aren't too worried, I don't stink anymore and I am winning friends and influencing people.
The key to success for me (so far) has been meal prep. I take about 4 hours on Saturdays to meal plan, grocery shop and then prepare the ingredients for meals. I don't prepare complete recipes, but I do chop veggies, boil eggs, make taco meat, poach chicken breasts, make soup and have everything ready to prepare quick meals during the rest of the week. I find recipe ideas on the Nom Nom app and in my Well Fed cookbooks. I am always on the hunt for new recipes, so if you have any Whole30 or paleo recipes you love, please post the link or type up the recipe for us all in the comments below.
I promised that I would keep you updated on my progress in my Oola Fitness challenge for January. So far I have walked 8 out of the past 19 days of January using my Nike app. I haven't met my daily walking goal yet, but it is 4 more days than I walked in December and I still have 12 days to go in this month. I don't have a scale anymore, so I can't report weight loss, but I am happy to report that I put on a pair of jeans for the first time in several years. So, happy dance, it is motivating me to continue on my journey to better health. Thanks for the ongoing prayers and support. I will update you again in a week or two. In the meantime, share your own fitness tips below in the comments. Thanks.
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