Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Balancing the Needs of Family and Full-Time RV Living

It's been over a year since I stopped living full-time in my RV. As Willie Nelson famously sang, "I Can't Wait to Get on the Road Again".  As you may know, I have been living the "sticks and bricks" life again for the past 16 months. I stopped traveling so I could provide full-time caregiving for my two wonderful parents. Just recently, they moved into a lovely, friendly, beautiful assisted living community, so that means I will be moving back into my RV.

I want to use this blog post to thank all of the family and friends who have offered prayers and everyday support to my parents and me during this past year and almost a half. We could not have done everything that needed to be done without you!

If I'm honest, I must admit that I missed my nomadic life traveling the country in my RV. If I am really honest about it, I am excited to be able to get "home" in my RV named Belle! On my way to pick her up, I am stopping to visit family. So, I should soon be sharing photos of my travels again.

If you too are providing care for elderly family members or friends, please know that this time with them is precious. While you might really prefer to do something else, like travel in an RV, know that the blessing that comes from this time with your elderly loved ones is worth the sacrifice. Your dreams of full-time travel aren't dead; they are only deferred. If you can't travel, you may still be able to take camping trips near where you live or where your loved ones live.

When all is said and done, you won't regret the time you gave to the people you love, but you could regret not spending the time with them when you could. That's why my RV named Belle and I are gonna camp near my parents for a while. This way I get the blessings of spending time with them and camping in my "home" at the same time! Win-win!

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