Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Camino de Santiago: Emotional Whine

I had a miserable day today; I was so annoyed I even swore at a bunch of gnats that kept trying to fly in my mouth and up my nose. Today's post is strictly for "truth in advertising" purposes and not to get encouraging comments. I wouldn't want you all to think the Camino is nothing but lovely scenery, good food and meeting great people. And, no that's not snow in the top photo but some kind of tree pollen. It means I'm on heavy allergy medicine and I'm feeling really grouchy.
Yes, this is the scenery for today and for days to come, fields of grain. This area is called the meseta and there is no shade anywhere for miles and miles and miles. Everyone today complained about their sore knees, blisters, shin splints, and other ailments as the heat beat down. Just as I was getting ready to get going on a real good whine, a woman says, "we all have pain, some just enjoy the suffering." With that everyone's tone changed. While some put on music to distract themselves from the pain, others seemed to offer it up in prayer. I opted for some fun music.
My lesson for today is that I will have annoying and even painful days on the Camino (and in life) and it is what I choose to do about it that can make it meaningful or just another whiny day.


  1. It's so great of you to be so honest! Hugging you!!

  2. To me, the meseta is the WORST part of the Camino! So flat, so monotonous, so hot and sunny! I can just imagine the flies and the pollen- ick! This too shall pass...

  3. Attitude really is everything and that is why St. Paul reminds us to " Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again, rejoice!"

  4. Thanks for keeping it real for us, Cathy. And thank that woman for putting it all in perspective for us all. Rock on my friend:-)


Since this blog is used to share photos and stories from my adventures with both older and younger friends and family, please keep your comments G-rated. Thank you.