Saturday, June 25, 2016

Green, Green Galicia

It has been fun walking through Galicia despite my painful feet. Everything is so green and lush. We walk mostly on dirt paths through woods. Two more days and we will be walking into Santiago de Compostela. I have mixed feelings; I am excited but also sad it is ending.


  1. Only two days! You must be jogging. We are escited that you will be home soon even if we will not see you right a way. Give us a date and we will come bother you. Love, Dad

  2. We are also sad as your journey comes to an end, for you have truly inspired us to see the challenges that lay before us, to see what choices God is giving us that may be different from what we originally intended, to preserver through everything, to see the friends around us that God is giving us. We pray for the next leg of your lives journey and are excited to see what God has in store for you. Love you Big Sis!!

  3. Catherine Ellen, I am glad you mentioned Galicia,it was one of my favorite provinces. It is so lush and green I remember. You have overcome adversity and deepened your faith along the way.



Since this blog is used to share photos and stories from my adventures with both older and younger friends and family, please keep your comments G-rated. Thank you.