Friday, June 3, 2016

La Comida es Buena

I've made two amazing food discoveries while walking in Spain. First, tapas (pinchos) and a beer make a quick and easy dinner. The bar owners are always willing to teach you about the different little delicious plates they have pre-made, ready to be ordered. My favorites so far are a breaded chicken with some kind of amazing cream sauce and simple little Spanish ham (jamon) with cheese (queso) sandwiches. A beer and two tapas plates are 5 Euro. That's a great budget-friendly meal.
Second, after walking for about two hours, I try to find a little local bakery for a breakfast of cappuccino and a pastry. Some of the small villages only have a small bar but the larger towns have amazing patisseries. I'm sad that this isn't something I will likely continue to do when I return home since I won't be walking 10-13 miles a day to burn off the calories. So I will have to enjoy it while it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. This is not my idea of a *rugged walk*. Bring home some of those pastries (Susie is not here to complain). Love, Dad


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