Friday, June 3, 2016

Pruning the Vines

I left La Rioja today as I walked. La Rioja is one of Spain's famous wine areas. As I walked through the vineyards I noticed that it is the time of year when the suckers are pruned from the vines. One particular older gentleman really impacted me. He was walking slowly through his vineyard and seemed to be gently pinching the suckers off with his fingertips. His actions seemed almost loving. It made me think about the scriptures that describe God pruning away the branches that don't bear good fruit. It made me realize how gently he has pruned things in my life. As a pilgrim, I am learning that there are only a few essentials I need as I walk the Camino. Are there things in my day-to-day life that aren't essential or that aren't bearing good fruit?  Does God have more pruning to do in me?


  1. That is a beautiful reflection,Cathy.It pertains to all of us if we stop and listen like you have.

  2. Cathy, I am so impressed by your insights as you walk the Camino. I pray daily that God continue to bless you. Love you ! Susan Bivona

  3. Loving, gentle pruning is a beautiful image. In my mind I think of pruning as a harsher reality. This helps me remember God's gentleness.

  4. Thank you for sharing this reflection. I'm now pondering the same thing.

  5. This is one of my favorite entries yet. You transported me to the Camino and it was as if I could see the older gentleman going to task on his beloved vines. Great imagery. Julie


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