Saturday, June 24, 2017

Need, Want, Love, Panic - Part 1 - Downsizing to Move into an RV

I have been going through a lot of FEELINGS lately and if you've ever met me then you know this has been an interesting experience for me. (I am a very British stiff-upper-lip kind of girl). If you read my last post, you know that I am retiring early after 36 years in Catholic schools to pursue my dream of living in an RV traveling around the United States full-time. The model I LOVE is a 2016 Winnebago Sunstar 30T LX. It is 30 feet long and about 8.5 feet wide for a total of about 250 square feet. I've read on other RV blogs that I need to keep the weight of all my items to around 1,500 pounds. Ahhh.... Does that mean I can't take all my things? It seems like an impossible task and I am PANICKING.  But, I know that if I take it one day at a time, one step at a time, and let God lead me, I will be okay. I will TRUST in his love and care for me.

I am in the middle of getting rid of things so I will tell you what I've done so far. First, I decided I needed to find a new home for my beloved family heirlooms. I set up a private website called "Crazy Aunt Cathy's Virtual Garage Sale", took photos of everything and sent the link to all my family asking everyone to tell me what they wanted. Thanks to my parents, siblings, my nieces, and my nephews, all of my beloved family treasures have new homes. My parents and my sister Mary Elizabeth took a truck to Ohio and my sister Susie and I took another truck to SC, GA, and AL. I feel so GRATEFUL and RELIEVED. But, there is still too much stuff! I need to get rid of more. As I sort through my things, it's become evident that some of my stuff just isn't going to be needed in an RV. So this past month I've been putting things in my car and driving over (multiple times) to the local Good Will. I am feeling so PROUD and EXCITED that I am making progress.

Now comes the hard part. I decided to help me set limits, everything needs to fit inside my guest bedroom which is a little bigger than 13 x 16 feet (extra space if you count the walk-in closet). So first, as the family historian, I LOVE my genealogy research, ALL of the antique photo albums, and my dad's photo slides and projector. They all have to come with me. Thus, the first big pile of stuff is born. Second, the practical side of me remembered that finances and work related items will stay part of my new life. I just FEEL like I NEED to keep my desk supplies, tax records, dissertation research, note cards, papers, stapler, hole punch and related work materials. Thus, the next big pile of boxes is born. Of course I FEEL like I need my tools, kitchen supplies, Christmas decorations, a few beloved books and a few craft items. Not a big deal. Each of these items becomes a new pile.

After making these piles, I looked around the rest of my condo and realized that less than 50% of what I own has been put into a pile in the guest bedroom. Having owned a home in Ohio before moving into my condo in the Washington, DC, I thought I already purged most of my things down to the items I LOVE. Suddenly I realize that I am going to have to let go of some things I think I love. I can feel myself getting PARALYZED with FEAR.  Time to talk a walk and say a few prayers. 👼

I will continue to share my EMOTIONAL experience of becoming a minimalist by necessity not by nature with all of you in my next blog post.

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