Sunday, June 25, 2017

Need, Want, Love, Panic - Part 2 - Downsizing to Move into an RV

The title of this post is NEED, WANT, LOVE, PANIC because I experienced all of these feelings in the past two days. At the same time, determining what I am feeling as I sort all my things is helping me to keep moving forward. So for those of you who were worried about me after yesterday's post, I feel better now. Nothing like a little prayer, a good walk and some grapefruit oil diffusing into the room to blow the nerves away. Now, that's not to say that I'm not still a little stressed out by all the changes that are happening in my life; I'm just not paralyzed by those feelings. At least not today. This afternoon I sorted through all my things and took a big load to donate to Good Will. Then threw away a lot of broken and worn out items. I am so proud of all that I've accomplished this weekend.

An article I found online listed 150 items every full-time RV owner needs. As I read the list I felt better about some of the decisions I made about what I thought I needed to take with me in the RV. (This first photo shows the piles of stuff I decided will go into the RV. (Note the tall stack of desk stuff and books - not on the essential list but I LOVE them). Unfortunately, the article tempted me with ideas and I jumped onto Amazon and started looking for all the things I wanted. Then I scolded myself and decided to wait to see what comes with the RV before buying any of the things I don't have.

The hardest pile to sort through was the one with gifts and honors. First, because as we all know, it is hard to let go of gifts without worrying about hurting someone's feelings. And second, if I am honest, it is nice to remember that I was "honored" by people I cared about. I don't need to keep these things, but I want to. I also want to be able to show the results of years of hard work (Ph.D. certificate and service awards). These items make me feel good. But I can't take them all, so I took photos of some things and then filed the photos and the certificates in albums. (except for the papyrus certificate because it is so brittle).

So, after two days of hard work, I can say with some confidence that I am ready to move out of my condo when it comes time to close. The next step in this process is for me to buy my RV and move everything into it. (Excited) So, check back to see what happens next.

If you are a full-time RV owner or know someone who is, please let me know if there is something you think is essential to my future RV life by adding a comment.

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