Yup, it happened. The evening after I closed on my condo and moved into a Marriott hotel room suite, I found the RV of my dreams. It is a used 2012 Itasca (Winnebago) Sunstar 30T. I fell in love with this model over Memorial Day weekend when my sister Susie and I toured RVs at Camping World in Robertsdale, Alabama. The 2017 model was $120,000. Needless to say, I sighed sadly and resigned myself to hunting for a different model. This was tougher than I thought it would be. Used (less than 10 years old) Winnebago and Itasca RVs are hard to find. It seems that owners of these models hang on to them because they love them. I got close a few times but either someone bought it before I could or the price was too high. For example, a 2015 Sunstar 30T I found in Ohio was $88,000. (Still way over my budget).

So, what is it about this model that makes me so happy? First, it is 30 feet in length. Since I want to camp in federal and state parks, this is important. Many of these campgrounds are older and their sites won't accommodate the bigger 40-45 foot long RVs. Also, I think I will be more comfortable driving a smaller motorhome. Second, this model serves my needs for guest space with the sofa sleeper. Third, I love that the dining table set up takes up less space than the traditional booth-style dining area. Fourth, the quality of Winnebago and Itasca RVs is amazing. The passenger and driver's seats swivel to face the couch and are a comfortable leather-like fabric and the cabinets are sturdy hardwood.
There are other extras that make me happy. For example, the passenger side seat has a desk that pulls out from the dashboard. I will use this to store maps and campsite planning aids. (The service department at
National Indoor RV Center will help me to fix anything that needs to be fixed.) But, the thing that sends me shouting from the mountain tops about God's loving-kindness toward me is that this RV will cost what I originally set as my "budget" in March. I was tempted to spend more than I should when I couldn't find the Sunstar in my price range. Just this past week, I decided to be responsible and resigned myself to getting a model I could afford and then I found this RV.
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